. . . LiFeTimE taLeS . . . ^^,)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a g0od APOTHEGM...^^,

hahaha^^, ummm.,,do you know whaT's witH thE baLLpen??.,

..,iF you haVe no baLLpen,
,.,you couLd noT taKe dowN noTes,
.,,iF you don'T havE noTes,
,,.you couLdn'T sTuDy weLL,
..,iF you didn'T absorb any LearningS,
,.,you couLdn'T gRaduaTe anD havE a DiPLoma,
,..iF you don't hav the DIPLOMA,
.,you couLdn'T woRk good,
.,,iF you don'T haV a niCe woRk,
..,you wouLd pRobabLy Lack moneY,
,.,iF you ran out of caSh,
..,you couLdn'T eaT much,
,,.iF you LacK of foOd,
..,you'LL fEeL the hungeR,
,.,iF you unDerfed,
.,,you wouLd be maLnouriShed,
.,.iF you'LL be veRy undeRnouRisheD,
..,you be veRy unaTTraCtiVe,
,.,iF you becamE veRy ugLy,
,,.you won'T haVe a GiRLfrieNd/BoYfRieNd,
..,iF you don'T haVe,
.,.you'LL be DepResSed,
.,,iF you were veRy gLoomY,
,,.you'LL be siCk,
..,iF you became veRy weaK,
,.,you'LL be conFine to the hospiTaL,
,..iF iT reaLLy hapPeNed,
.,,you'LL die,
.,.iF you'Re dead,
..,you'Re noThing....
.,so TaKe gOoD caRe oF youR baLLpen.....

"aLL gReaT thinGs caMe froM a veRy simpLe reaSon or a small thinG rather..."

hehehehe^^, a pieCe oF reMindeR Lng p0h.............


Blogger ♥ nadine.owseben said...

uber true :]
hellooo napabloghop lang

December 28, 2008 at 9:58 AM  
Blogger Paragon Shirts said...

just passing by...


January 13, 2009 at 12:19 AM  
Blogger Lollii-Pii said...

I read that ballpen-like article on my cousin's blog^^...That truly made me laugh so hard that I fell on my knees. The last quoted statement is a fact and I highly believe it. God Bless

February 6, 2009 at 8:46 PM  

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